The atmosphere in our room is so joyful, and full of happiness. We introduced the holiday of Purim. The excitement is starting to build. Many great miracles and salvation happened to our nation during the month of Adar. We have four misvot that we must remember on Purim, even while all the fun is going on.
1)Reading the Megilah: The whole story of Purim.
2)Michloah Manot: Gifts of food, or drink, that are send to family and friends. It shows love, gratitude, and friendship.
3)Matanot l’eveyonim: This mitzvah can be done by giving money to poor people.
4)Michte: Eating a meal and being happy. We can invite family, friend, to join our Purim meal.
The children enjoyed creating a mobile symbolizing the four mitzvot’s of Purim. We used cups, dots to dots, paint, glitter, crayons and glue.
We also taught the children that the four mitzvot are starting with the letter מ.מגילה,משלוח מנות ,מתנות לאביונים ,משתה.
We learned about the Mailman. He is a community helper. The mailman delivers letters and packages to us. We pretended to mail letters, then we were the mailman and we delivered the letters to our friends. The children traced the letter U as in umbrella.
We reviewed letters from א to מ, through our Bucket Letters Game.
We used our creativity to decorate our clowns. We used tissues, colored papers, glue, glitters, crayons, and paints. Each one is unique, like us. We put them on our Purim bulletin board.Thank you for Steven for being our Shabbat Daddy and for bringing us such yummy treats.
Morah Yael, Morah Sally
Shabbat Shalom
Purim is underway in our room.
We are learning the four mitzvot of Purim. We go to shul two times and hear the Rabbi read the Purim story. It is called the “Megillah”. On Purim we give tzedekah to poor people. It is called “Metanot L’evyonim. “Misloach Manot” is a basket, bag or box with treats we give to neighbors and friends. A Purim Seuda is a festive meal we eat on Purim day. We decorated a big misloach manot for our bulletin board. It was a great group task, color review and alternating colors on our basket was a lesson in patterns. Hamentash are a yummy cookie we eat on Purim. Creating our own with dot to dot markers and matching tissue paper gave them a realistic effect. Morah showed us how we fold them in three places to make triangles.
We will also be learning about our five senses. Mr. Potato head is a guide to our lessons. For the sense of taste we use our mouth and tongue. Having a taste test, we charted different types of taste. Candy for sweet had many votes. Salty pretzels and potato chips we liked alot. Sour had the least, we had the cutest sour faces after tasting a lemon. For our art project we glued a sweet candy, salty pretzel, and sour lemon to our red mouth and pink tongue. Next week we will be continuing with our Purim story and the next one of the five senses.
Our Ima was Linoy and our Abba was Moshe. Thank you for the snacks.
Morah Esther, Morah Lucette
Shabbat Shalom
Misha Nichnas Adar Marbim Bisimcha.
We started learning all about Purim and the classroom is starting to fill up with Simcha.
We introduced the holiday by teaching the four mitzvot.
The first mitzvah is to hear the Megilla two times on Purim, once in the night and once again in the morning. The second mitzvah is matanot l’evyonim. It means that we give tzedakah to the poor, so they can also enjoy Purim. The third mitzvah is mishloach manot. We have to make sure that there is two separate brachot inside and that we give to two different friends.
The fourth mitzvah is having a seudah with our families.
We starting our unit on the five senses and correlated it to the holiday of Purim.
We focused on sight this week/ vision. Our sight helps us navigate the world around us.
Hashem has blessed us with two working eyes BH. We painted a mask for Purim and decorated it so beautifully. We place the mask over our eyes on Purim. We played an I spy game around the school and walked around the school with a paper and as we found each thing we crossed it off our list.
We used colored paddles to look through and everything came out in different colors.
We worked with optical illusion and spot the difference worksheets.
Letter of the week was the letter V.
We learned that van, volcano, volleyball and violin start with the letter V.
We did a science experiment where we made a volcano. We used Coke and a “mento”. When the mento went into the can of Coke, it erupted. The foamy Coke came shooting out from the top like a volcano. It was awesome.
Ot of the week was the letter נ.
Thank you to our Shabbat Ima Yael for the yummy Shabbat treat.
Morah Sara and Mora Bella
Shabbat Shalom